Annie Gunther » Videos


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  • 00:54 You're Finally Here!

    Today, we read the book "You're Finally Here!" By Melanie Watt. Our BBFF (Best Bunny Friend Forever) was waiting for us to get to school, and wondered where we were! So, we told him, then he got a phone call and made us wait for him. It was a fun book to read, especially with tone of excitement in our voice when an exclamation mark was used. The kids really got into it.

    The video is of our wall with the poses they made today on the playground, and the speech bubble telling our BBFF where they were.

    Uploaded Aug 22, 2024
  • 00:33 Our Affirmations

    Mrs. Goldson's kindergarten class came for a play date. Before they left we sang them our affirmation song.

    Uploaded May 07, 2024
  • 3:37 The Last Supper

    Mrs. Segreti's class and ours joined together for The Last Supper on Holy Thursday. Ms. Jenna and Ms. Erika put this all together for us. We participated in feet washing, and sharing a Seder meal together with all our friends.
    Thank you to Ms. Jenna, Ms. Erika, and Mrs. Carlson!

    We wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

    Uploaded Mar 30, 2024
  • 1:31 Thank you Parents

    Uploaded Jan 30, 2024
  • 2:12 Silent Night

    Uploaded Dec 24, 2023
  • 3:41 1st Christmas/Away in a Manger

    Uploaded Dec 24, 2023
  • 2:39 Happy Birthday Jesus

    Uploaded Dec 24, 2023
  • 1:41 Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here is a video montage of our Charlie Brown Friendsgiving. The children really got a kick out of Snoopy and friends also enjoying popcorn and jellybeans!

    A quick reminder,
    ******For this year’s service project the preschool families are collecting hearty soups for the New Hope Community Food Pantry. The donations will be picked up on Friday 12/1. So please send in any donations next week.

    Also the Preschool Mass is Sat 12/2 where they will sing Jesus is Coming in the front of the Church for the tree lighting before Mass begins.

    Gobble Gobble
    -Ms. Gunther

    Uploaded Nov 22, 2023
  • 1:52 Happy Veteran's Day!

    Our class joined was joined by Mrs. Segreti's class to sing some Veteran's Day songs in honor of the men and women who have served in the military to protect us.

    Thank you from our class to you!

    Uploaded Nov 09, 2023
  • 2:13 1st Grade Reading Buddies

    This past week we started a new activity that we will continue throughout the year. Every other week we will take turns with Mrs. Segreti's class to read with our 1st grade reading buddies. We will visit each classroom on MWF to help inspire the 1st graders to continue practicing their reading. We can't wait to go back!

    Uploaded Oct 01, 2023
  • 00:35 Happy Birthday Melina!

    Uploaded Sep 25, 2023
  • 00:33 Happy Birthday Anastasia!

    Uploaded Sep 25, 2023